You Come With a Hug: Chocolate Banana Roll Cake
Dulce Pastel Video

You Come With a Hug: Chocolate Banana Roll Cake

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Now we will tell you a story of happiness that smells like a sweet banana in every slice. The heroes ...

There's Nothing Easier: Moist Cake with Ready-made Cake
Dulce Pastel

There's Nothing Easier: Moist Cake with Ready-made Cake

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Preparing a wet cake is actually much easier than you think. For those who want to prepare a wet cak ...

Sponge Textured: Walnut Cake
Pastel Torta dulce

Sponge Textured: Walnut Cake

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Is there a food that includes walnuts and does not enhance it by adding color and taste? Walnuts pla ...

Deliciously Thick: Fig Dessert with Custard
Dulce Postre Lácteo Postre Afrutado

Deliciously Thick: Fig Dessert with Custard

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They say that figs were the food of the Gods in ancient times. It is said that the tree of Cybele, t ...

Let the Black Sea Winds Blow: Kaygana
Para el desayuno Recetas Locales

Let the Black Sea Winds Blow: Kaygana

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Here is another local taste of our magnificent cuisine. To the slippery; In fact, it is a kind of eg ...

Everyone Will Ask for the Recipe: Apple Pie Cookies
Galleta galleta dulce en temporada

Everyone Will Ask for the Recipe: Apple Pie Cookies

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If it is a beautifully baked pie that emits wonderful aromas, most of us would be willing to travel ...